North Branch Park River Watershed Management Plan project teamwork officially concluded on July 31, 2010. The approved final document resides with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, along with other watershed management plans and documents on the Ct DEP website.
Note that this website, serves as a record of the two year planning process, and will be updated to reflect future plan implementation progress.
DRAFT Appendices:
Appendix A: Baseline Assessment
Appendix B: Field Assessment
Appendix C: Land Use Regulatory Review
Appendix D: Map of Targeted Recommendations
Appendix E: Open Space Priority Parcel
Appendix F: Cost Estimates
Appendix G: Load Reductions Data
Appendix H: Implementation Schedule
Appendix I: Funding Sources
Post your comments online, or contact the project team.
Goal 4, Objective 3 includes this action item “Complete key links in the East Coast Greenway Project. Study alignments and feasibility of connecting north Bloomfield with the existing pathway systems in Simsbury and Granby.†This should be expanded to include an investigation of the feasibility of locating a path in the North Branch Corridor in Hartford. The East Coast Greenway is a multi use pathway intended to link urban areas along the east coast. The most significant missing link in this trail in the Hartford area is from the Founders Bridge in downtown Hartford to the existing Farmington Canal trail. The Capitol Region Council of Government’s adopted Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan (adopted in 2008) identifies the north Branch as a possible corridor for the east Coast Greenway to follow through the City.
The action table is very comprehensive and thorough! It’s great to include so many strategies from numerous perspectives, which creates a final plan that is more all encompassing. Water quality seems like the main issue, but to address it we must look beyond just water quality. A good plan must also look in to growth patterns, public awareness, etc; which you have here.
Furthermore, these strategies to improve the watershed have additional benefits. For example, green streets and smart growth help improve water quality, but they also reduce the ecological footprint of communities while enhancing the safety and aesthetics of place.
Good point, public access where appropriate can increase public appreciation for nature. Rivers rapidly change conditions in cities, as well as in wildness areas. Creating a balance between public access and the last remaining urban wilds along the North Branch of the Park River in Hartford can be accomplished with a block-by-block approach to river restoration.
The plan proposal looks good with one exception. Goal number 4 – Sustainability & Land Use should include the words “public access” in the goal. In many areas of the watershed, especially in Hartford’s West End, the river is hidden from public view and access is obscured or not encouraged. This management plan will get more traction – i.e. engagement & enthusiasm – if there was more connection to the river and opportunities for recreational access, there would be more interest in pursuing all the goals of the watershed management plan. Please consider expanding the wording of the goal as the objectives, which do address access, are obscured. thanks.
The Action Items listed in the table will be further detailed in the final Plan.